About Our Charity

ALHAMDULILLAH, with the special attention of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) and blessing for the sake of Syedna Imam Zain ul Abidin (رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ)

Our Inspiration

MIS started welfare activities from 25th Rajab 1441 AH۔ The society was setup in line with the pious ideology of Syedna Imam Zain-ul-Abidin رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ that we must assist needy people with due respect and grace.

People found some symptoms on the back of Syedna Imam Zain-ul-Abidin رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ while washing his body before shrouding. When asked, it revealed that he used to load flour sakes on his back and secretly deliver at the homes of needy people in Madinah Munawara. It also revealed that he permanently sponsored 100 needy families of Madinah Munawara and had been delivering ration to their homes. (Ref. Al Bidaya Wal Nihaya volume 9, page 105)

Our Initial Days

In the first phase, MIS welfare society started its services with the distribution of Ration packs to needy people. Initially we managed to distribute only 63 packets of Ration. Gradually ALLAH سبحان و تعا لی granted resources and we managed to distribute approximately 12,000 ration packs to deserving families during 2020 Covid lockdown in Pakistan (الحمد للہ).

1) M.I.S. Ration Bank

الحمد للہ رب العالمین, hundreds of widows, disabled and low-income personals are registered with MIS for monthly sponsorship & support, complete details of those families are available with MIS. Unlike common practice, we strive to deliver ration packs to deserving registered families at their doorstep. Owing to current financial hardship and inflation situation, we are receiving ever-growing number of registration requests in this program at alarming pace. We continue to register additional needy families in this program every month as per available capacity.

2) M.I.S Saadaat-e-Kiram

الحمد للہ رب العالمین We have setup a separate division to serve the Progeny of Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم. M.I.S. try to serve Saadaat-e-Kiram with due respect and dignity. MIS present monthly ration pack at their homes and fresh meat & other gifts time to time.

3) M.I.S Food Center

We provide high quality daily lunch for only Rs. 50 to low income and daily wagers at our head office. We intend to expand this setup to different markets, bus stations and factory areas very soon (انشاء اللہ تعالی)

4) M.I.S Medical Department

Quality medical treatment has become dream for most in this high inflation era. To address this grave situation, we have setup M.I.S. clinic whereby we provide diagnosis/checkup, medicine and lab tests etc. @ flat Rs. 50 for low income and needy people. We also setup free medical camps in different areas time to time.

5) M.I.S Education Help

At limited scale, we are assisting needy children and their parents to meet their educational expenses. Moreover, there are plans to expand this section to large scale as well as setup educational institutes in future whereby needy children can avail quality education (انشآء اللہ).

6) M.I.S Rozgar Help (Job Desk)

We continuously engage with companies to find vacancies for jobless skilled people to make them self-reliant. In addition, we also facilitate & arrange small-scale and low capital businesses for jobless people; many people have already setup small-scale businesses with M.I.S. assistance.

7) M.I.S Women Training Program

One of the core objective of our welfare society is to develop various skills in women while staying within religious boundaries. الحمد للہ we keep arranging various courses for women participants at free of cost basis so that such single-handed women become self-reliant and can earn livelihood for their families by staying within in allowed religious limits. Those courses include Sewing and embroidery, Handloom, Embedding/installing jewels in the cloth, Henna design (hand decoration), Cooking and Baking.

8) M.I.S Khudaam-e-Deen Help

One of the sector, which people generally do not pay attention in terms of Financial Assistance is the deserving religious people including Imam (Prayer Leader), Moazzin (Prayer Caller), Masjid Servants and Quraa, who teach Quran recitation. They do not express their needs publicly owing to their Status. The welfare society has started Monthly sponsorship for such needy religious people and we serve them with high confidentiality.

9) M.I.S. Water Supply

The welfare society arrange boring / well etc. in far-flung rural areas where residents are facing acute shortage of water. This particular service formally inaugurated on third Rajab 1443 Hijri from Yousuf Goth.

10) Madrasa Noor-e-Syedna Zain ul Abidin

No Muslim society can prevail & prosper without religious education. Keeping in view this fact, Noor-e-Syedna Zain ul Abidin (رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ) academy has been setup, and as a first step, it is open for girls and women. Women participants in our different courses are also required to learn religious education.

11) M.I.S. Waqf Qurbani

The society convene endowed animal sacrifice during all three days of ‘Eid-ul-Adha’. People generously participate in this cause by sponsoring a portion or full animal. The society deliver meat at the doorstep of thousands of deserving families who generally remain deprived of fresh meat throughout the year.

12) M.I.S. Disaster Services

The society participate in emergency relief operation in an unfortunate event of catastrophe. Be it Covid lockdown in 2020 or horrible and disastrous rain in Karachi or the unfortunate crashing incident of PIA aircraft during the holy month of Ramadan, the society participated in relief efforts despite very limited resources in earlier days of our setup.

M.I.S. execute and administrate all activities through our head office at Jamshaid Road so far. Thereafter, as a next step, we intend to expand all our divisions in different areas of Karachi (انشآء اللہ) and for that matter, we need generous support from masses.

We intend to expand our course portfolio to include Mobile repairing course, IT courses and Mechanical courses. In addition, we intend to setup desks for Funeral & Burials arrangements and Hijama. Sponsoring/supporting wedding arrangements for low-income families and such other initiatives are also part of our plan.

We request to please remember our society in your prayers and become our helping hand in this noble & prosperous cause.

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2022 © M.I.S. welfare Society